星期一, 9月 24, 2007

Quiet time with God

Last week I finally able to get up a bit eariler and I could spent sometime with God in CU before I went to work. The air was cold and the place was quiet. I could sing and spoke to God freely. It made me recall those memorable time with God in CU. Although the place had changed a lot but I knew that God's love never change.
When I was so weak and lacked of energy, it's God who give me strength again. When I was younger, I hoped that everything could go fine and no difficulty would appear in life. Though I knew that life must full of bad things and goods things but I still hoped that I could only see the good things and try my best to avoid all the bad/ difficult thing in life. But all the things happened in my life recently made me not only understand that but also felt that God in with me during the tough time. It also let me taste what Jesus need to face when nobody understand him and nobody like me. It's alone and it's tough but Jesue chose this way so that he could save our life, save my life. I'm not even worth for his love but he loved me so deeply that deeper that I could ever though of.
I hoped that I could have more time to stay with God.

星期一, 9月 10, 2007

Love and respect

Love and respect. It's more easy to say than really doing it.
Today when I talking with a women it really remind me that I also need to remind myself about this lesson. The lesson that every couple need to remember. As wife, we need to respect our husband. It's unconditional respect not in the content only when he was doing well or when he was "awesome" but it's in all kind of situation.
Actually, everybody need respect and it's not only for men. Do you remenber the last time when we feel really angry because you feel that you are not respect by others? Could you recall the time when we feel that you should be respect by others but you receive nothing but hurt feeling?
I could reall many times when I see a child scolding at the maid. But it's even more upset when you see the child scolding thier grandparents or their mother? What kind of world are we now in?
How could we turn it upside down.
A simple word of thank you? A little smile? A little more patience?
A Little more respect. A little more love. A more wonderful world is coming.

星期日, 9月 09, 2007


話說昨天到了數碼港一日遊, 除了參觀了出名的貝沙灣, 還去了Game On , 打了我有生以來最多嘅遊戲機,由懷舊嘅打怪獸同食鬼遊戲, 到DC, play station, 以至最新嘅Will, 我們一行四人連續玩了三個鐘, 我還是第一次不用入錢可以game over 玩又再來,我終於在我最喜歡的食鬼遊戲過到関,又在Will 打保齡取得124分, 實在好開心。

星期日, 9月 02, 2007



星期一, 8月 27, 2007


上个星期同老公以及二个朋友去了一間新甜品店,試了這个杧果米糍,好美味呀!清甜杧果包了薄薄的皮,據說是由成个木瓜咁大嘅杧果來做架, 值得一試。

星期日, 8月 12, 2007


從前在中大時常常到荷花池,可就是從來沒見過荷花,心想荷花池為何沒荷花 , 多年後舊地重遊竟見到有很多不同顏色的荷花實在太美了。




Funny Car

星期四, 7月 26, 2007

星期三, 7月 25, 2007



當日有小許兩,但萊茵河畔的小鎮仍好靜,我們在其中一段河邊散步也很有詩意, 真的像歌詞說的那橡--萊茵河畔像詩那樣美,萊茵河畔美麗而寧靜.....


近一點看葡萄園是這樣的, 一行行好整齊,綠油油,好美麗呀!


係bible 经常看到有關葡萄園嘅比喻,今次在德國可以見到真的葡萄園。



好開心今年六月份可以到德國旅行,今次旅程非常特別, 因為除了有老公跟我一起外,還有我的好友Paisley 和觀偉。


時間過得真快,估唔到上次寫blog 巳經是半年前的事了。Anyway 好開心終於能抽到時間再寫blog,一方面可比機会自己組織下自己的思維,一方面希望可分享自己近況與各友好保持聯絡。希望各方好友多多回應以支持我寫下去, 多謝。

星期四, 1月 04, 2007


2007 年一開始元旦日我終於見返香港的藍天是在樂富同上環好吸引, 而我亦終於再上到自己blog 來update,真係好感动!