星期一, 9月 10, 2007

Love and respect

Love and respect. It's more easy to say than really doing it.
Today when I talking with a women it really remind me that I also need to remind myself about this lesson. The lesson that every couple need to remember. As wife, we need to respect our husband. It's unconditional respect not in the content only when he was doing well or when he was "awesome" but it's in all kind of situation.
Actually, everybody need respect and it's not only for men. Do you remenber the last time when we feel really angry because you feel that you are not respect by others? Could you recall the time when we feel that you should be respect by others but you receive nothing but hurt feeling?
I could reall many times when I see a child scolding at the maid. But it's even more upset when you see the child scolding thier grandparents or their mother? What kind of world are we now in?
How could we turn it upside down.
A simple word of thank you? A little smile? A little more patience?
A Little more respect. A little more love. A more wonderful world is coming.
